Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Glass Elevator (We saw into our lives but never had control)

Up the elevator he goes,

Stands still and nervous,

Stares out glass windows,

Might jump off on purpose.

Up up up,

Still going up,

Up.. up.. up..

God it’s a long way up.

Past bank office employees,

Past the secret lovers,

With a marriage destroyed,

While pigeons find cover.

Twenty-six stories tall,

People below are crumbs,

He can’t see them at all,

When he holds up his thumb.

Near the rooftop,

Lump building in back of his throat,

On the rooftop,

Wonder if I can float?


Down, down, down,

God it’s a long way down.


1 comment:

Johnny said...

i meant to comment on this sooner but forgot. i think this is so good i wish i had wrote it.