Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Glass Elevator (We saw into our lives but never had control)
Up the elevator he goes,
Stands still and nervous,
Stares out glass windows,
Might jump off on purpose.
Up up up,
Still going up,
Up.. up.. up..
God it’s a long way up.
Past bank office employees,
Past the secret lovers,
With a marriage destroyed,
While pigeons find cover.
Twenty-six stories tall,
People below are crumbs,
He can’t see them at all,
When he holds up his thumb.
Near the rooftop,
Lump building in back of his throat,
On the rooftop,
Wonder if I can float?
Down, down, down,
God it’s a long way down.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What it was Like when I Died
I died last Tuesday when I was out for a walk in the cold night air. There are train tracks close to my house, but the train doesn't run too much after dark. Well, tonight the train was running so I had to wait for it to pass. I remember thinking that I like how waiting for a train to pass is the one kind of waiting no one ever seems to mind. It seems we're just happy to be safely on one side of the tracks or the other, as we sit back and respect the deadly iron power shaking the earth as it passes by. Once the train was only a spot in the distance, I safely crossed the tracks and was back on my way to nowhere.
Now, I've been walking the better part of 25 years. I get the concept. I would say I'm even pretty good at it. I enjoy stepping out the front door and just walking for a while. But for some reason, on this achingly normal Tuesday, I tripped over my own feet and tumbled towards the curb mouth first like a lion about to take a big bite out of a gazelle's rear end. It's funny. A life full of so many moments, some more impressive than others, is ended by one moment so clumsy and mundane.
I don't remember thinking about death or seeing my life flash before my eyes. Mostly because all I could think was "Idiot, walk like you have been since you were an infant! Moron!" Next thing I knew, I was standing up, pain free. Only, I was looking down at myself. My dead self, to be exact.
It took about thirty minutes to get over all the stages of dying: panic, denial, depression, sadness, anger... you know, all the stuff we think we're above until we actually kick the bucket ourselves. I guess that's when I realized that I was missing the most important point. Despite seeing my dead body lying there, I was still breathing and still standing on 2nd street in Claremont, the little town I have called home for only a few months. I had to call my family. Reaching into my pocket to grab my Samsung Propel, my hand went right through my phone! It wasn't kind of like in those movies about someone dying and having an out of body experience; it was exactly like in the movies. Great, even my death is one big cliché! I needed to get to my family, just in case this weirdness ended and my soul actually started the trip to heaven or...wherever.
Since I was not able to touch anything, I kind of figured my car was useless too. To get to my family, all I could do was start walking down I-40 and hope that my ghost legs were stronger than my old ones. Walking along the side of the interstate, it was obvious that no one could see me, even though I saw them as I always have. In my current state…deadness, I laughed at myself for carefully walking along the side of the road. With my family in Vale more than twenty miles away, I started running in the middle lane, against traffic, just because I could.
It took me most of the night to get to my parents' house, but at least I was right about my new legs not getting tired. As I stood in the driveway of my childhood home, a dark thought overwhelmed me. What if someone had discovered my body back in Claremont and my mom already knew? Was I even doing the right thing by coming here? All I wanted to do was let my family know that I was okay, but how many people really feel comforted by a ghost? So I just stood outside the front door for an hour or maybe two, very conflicted and very dead.
As it turns out, all of my worrying was a waste of time. No one would wake up. There was no way at all to interact with my family. I couldn't pick up a pen or make a candle flicker or mess with electronic devices or any of that cool stuff. I was a weak and pathetic ghost. And I wanted my life back. I left my parents' room, walked through the wall and laid down in the grass in the backyard. Through the rest of the night and next morning I cried.
The grass was wet with dew, and the sun was hot on my face. Waking up in my parents' yard reminded me that all of this was not a dream as I had prayed the night before. For a moment, I wondered why I could feel the grass and the sun, yet any object I tried to touch went right through me. Maybe it was because of man's connection with the earth, or some other hippy nonsense. Or maybe God was saying "Ha! I can still screw with you even though you are dead!" Either way, I felt so completely alone. It felt like I was hidden from not only the eyes of everyone I had ever loved, but even God did not see me. I thought of all those times I passed up the opportunity to be with the people I truly cared about. I wondered what the Hell I was thinking all those years, never really getting all that close to those I loved so much. Now, knowing I could never talk to them again, I felt like the biggest fool who ever lived. What was so important that the people in my life had to come in second place behind whatever else I was trying to achieve? Oh wow, I held a steady job and had a neat little convertible. Well, Mr. Fantastic, what good is that doing you now that you are D E A D? Well, how about it? Moron.
I slept on the lawn for a couple more nights, knowing that I needed to figure out how to move on to wherever my new home was supposed to be. I couldn't do it. I could not leave my family or my friends behind without telling them I was okay. But, was I okay? Not really, but that's what we do to the people we love. We lie to them. And I wanted to tell them this great lie one more time: "Hey, I'm okay."
I promised myself and I promised God, that If I ever got a second chance, I would worry more about the people who loved me and less about the mundane tasks of living. All of that garbage could worry about itself for all I cared. I would get things right if I could only try again. "Please God, give me another chance...Jesus Christ help me!" I screamed in anguish before collapsing onto the ground. Somehow, my tormented heart was hushed for a moment and I fell asleep on the soft grass one last time.
I rolled over in bed and saw that it was already 7:30. Damn, I'm late for work!
Friday, January 8, 2010
One Guy’s Opinion on the Problem with Christian Entertainment
People like to be entertained, want to be entertained, and maybe even need to be entertained. If to live is to know pain, then entertaining ourselves is one escape from that pain. This is human, and it's a universal truth.
We constantly seek entertainment.
I am by no means sitting on the forefront of popular culture, modern trends, the newest fads, or even the latest revolution in social networking (still don’t really get the whole Twitter craze). However, I do enjoy movies and music a lot, perhaps more than your average Joe Christian. And as a Christian, I am well aware that we have a need to stay away from anything which causes temptation towards sin, for ourselves and for those dwelling in our household. As a Christian human I can also tell you that I have very little interest in Christian entertainment today, and there are hundreds of thousands of decent Christian people who feel the way I do on this. Do you see the irony? As Christians, many of us can not enjoy the music and movies made specifically for us. So how can we possibly expect this entertainment to reach those who did not grow up in church, the same people who probably have a thick emotional wall built up against anything tagged as “Christian”?
Don’t get me wrong, there are quite a few exceptions to this lack of quality in Christian entertainment. There are some Christian movies which could pass as good movies to any audience. I personally am partial to a few Christian musicians, such as Andrew Peterson and Jeremy Casella. But these should not be exceptions! Directors, writers, and musicians inspired by God should be consistently releasing some of the most profound and powerful entertainment today! Any movie or music lover can tell you that truly great entertainment can be much more than just entertainment. Schindler’s List is a movie which probably changed who I am in some ways as a person. It hit me that hard. I say that not to promote Schindler’s List, but to stress that there should be hundreds of Christian movies far more powerful than this. A flawed man saving hundreds of Jewish people during World War II is a powerful story. The son of God saving the entire universe is incomparably more powerful.
So what’s the problem? Many arguments could be made, but for me the answer is clear. So much of the Christian entertainment today is produced without the slightest hint of honesty or grit.
In an attempt to keep everything so neat and clean, the details surrounding the truth being presented end up ringing false. Vulgarity for the sake of shock value is dreadful and disgusting. But that does not excuse sanitizing something until it no longer feels relatable, until it feels fake. When even a great story is populated with cardboard cut out characters and riddled with cheesy clichés, the more discerning viewers will roll their eyes and check out emotionally.
Okay, I hear you. “But Mr. Cynical Writer, aren’t most popular secular movies and most secular songs filled with cheap thrills and paper thin storytelling?” Yes, of course they are, and that is exactly my point! Christian entertainment should be different. It should not ring as hollow as the rest of the popular entertainment industry. So, is there a solution? Maybe.
I believe that the answer lies in being honest, being real, and admitting human brokenness. Life is a struggle for even the best of us. There is no use in trying to hide that! Whenever a character in a movie seems truly human, the odds of the audience connecting with the story increase exponentially. Even a mediocre movie with believable characters can leave an impact. Imagine how powerful the story of salvation should be when you deeply feel the struggles of the people in the story! By the same way of thinking, no Christian musician should, in my humble opinion, ever feel comfortable releasing a song that is anything less than their very best. If copying what every other musician has done, both lyrically and musically, is the best they can do, then so be it. But I believe that inspiration from God should lead to some of the most brilliantly honest and powerful music out there today, Christian or not.
The Christian entertainment industry needs to stop being so concerned over stepping on a few toes. We should be seeing and hearing a sample of the heart and the raw power of God on display, not a carbon copy of the same cheap entertainment the secular world is pleased with. All forms of Christian entertainment are in serious need of a dose of reality. There is no excuse for movies and music filled with so much truth to look and sound so phony. It is time to cut the candy coating away and reveal the truth inside. (Ouch, and I was complaining about cheesy clichés!)
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